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Clinical solutions 

Delivering Genetics Services to your Bench 


Clinical Implementation Service

Clinical genetic testing began over 30 years ago with the availability of mutation detection for sickle cell disease diagnosis. Since then, the field has dramatically transformed to include gene sequencing, high-throughput targeted genotyping, prenatal mutation detection, preimplantation genetic diagnosis, population-based carrier screening, and now genome-wide analyses using microarrays and next-generation sequencing.
Clinical genetic testing historically has been limited to germline mutation detection for Mendelian diseases; however, candidate gene and genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified polymorphic deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequence variants that significantly contribute to common disease susceptibility, other complex traits, and a number of drug response phenotypes. This has created the potential for implementing genetic testing to estimate personalized disease risk and/or to help guide individual pharmacotherapy.

Omicsense will guide your lab through the Implementation process considering all technical and financial aspects of the implemented Genetic test to reduce the time, effort and the money wastes. Omicsesne Experts will lead the implementation process from the sample collection to results reporting along with report design. To make sure that all the highly quality control standards have been applied.


Clinical Project Consultancy Service


Clinical Project Mangement Service


Clinical Reporting Services 

- WES clinical report generation from VCF or FASTQ
- Pharmacogenomics Clinical Report Services 
- BRCA1 & BRCA2 NGS Clinical Report Services


Golden Gate Tower, Zahraa El-Maadi, Cairo,Egypt.


Email: [email protected]
Phone: +2 (0) 100 2051 903